Sales Master
Sales support programme for Brown Forman including selected retail shops

launch of the programme
total points achieved by participants during the first edition
The programme aims to increase sales as well as the availability and promotion of Brown-Forman products in retail shops among various chains.
The programme is run on a cyclical basis at selected times of the year. Beside increasing the turnover of specific products, an important element of the programme is to increase knowledge and awareness of the brands included in the Brown-Forman portfolio.
We developed the programme from the very beginning. It was preceded by a workshop with the Client, including: 10 business issues, analysis of objectives and analytical capabilities, and identification of user knowledge. On this basis, we defined the Client’s actual needs and proposed specific solutions, while detailing potential roadblocks to further action. The workshop resulted in a functional description of the programme – a description of the mechanics of the various functionalities. Based on the functional description, we prepared a schedule of activities which ended with the launch of the first edition of the programme.
Integral to the programme was the development of a web application with different types of users and the associated level of permissions to the various modules of the application. The application also includes a custom e-commerce solution for selecting and ordering rewards based on the number of points awarded.
An advantage of the application is an extensive Content Management System – using the administrator panel, without the assistance of a developer, the programme staff can manage, for example, content or button redirections themselves, which saves time and money in the long term.
As part of the programme, we also support our client in:
- responding to reported business needs related to the Programme,
- taking care of the legal aspects of the Programme,
- providing information services and ongoing assistance to users,
- carrying out the entire reward handling process, from the awarding of points to the delivery of the reward to the user.
Technologies used in the project:

Managing Director
+48 695 990 128