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03 October 2022 (17:00)

Effectiveness supported by numbers – how we create loyalty programs

Effectiveness supported by numbers – how we create loyalty programs

For the last 20 years, we have been developing expertise and experience concerning consumer behaviour, sales support tools, as well as data analysis. Thanks to that we can offer currently effective loyalty programs for distributors, retailers, sales representatives, and consumers.

Our recipe for a good program!

How do we create our sales support programs in the loyalty 3.0 concept? We begin with workshops with the client and their purpose is to: identify the problem, consumers and their desired behaviour, understanding the environment, establishing key indicators of effectiveness, working out the mission, estimation of return on investment, as well as recognition of needs and client’s possibilities. Here the conversation is key and – in some sense, the confrontation of client’s expectations with our knowledge and many years of experience.

Based on that, we design a program, which will be the answer to those needs and which will utilize the possibilities for 200%. It sometimes happens that it is different from the client’s initial assumptions, because during the workshop process solutions other than presumed have a chance to be more effective. However, to do that efficiently, we work based on big data provided by the client.

We analyse the sales data – “where do we see a decrease, where do we see an increase”, why at that time, what was the situation like yesterday/ a month ago/ a year ago, what is the situation like now and what affected that. We look at the results of the client’s actions for up to that point and we draw conclusions. When we are implementing our program – we constantly monitor actions undertaken in the market, we know on a current basis, what works and what doesn’t and we make necessary adjustments. However these aren’t the recommendations based only on current situation, but also on many years of data, because in most cases we are working on projects for our clients that last from few to dozens of years.

To increase the effectiveness of the work of sales force, we use gamification, which supports competition, that in turn translates into sales. As you can see, we create programs based on 3 principles of Loyalty 3.0. We achieve synergy, that leads to maximum sales. However – and that is important – it wouldn’t be possible without the cooperation with the client, who knows the market best. The loyalty of employees and the client is not a given, we need to remember, that the company influences that and can work on it’s effective improvement.



  • R. Paharia, Lojalność 3.0. Jak zrewolucjonizować zaangażowanie klientów i pracowników dzięki big data i grywalizacji, Wyd. MT Biznes, Warszawa 2014.
  • P. Tkaczyk, Grywalizacja. Jak zastosować mechanizmy gier w działaniach marketingowych, Wyd. Helion, Warszawa 2012.
  • M. Tesławski, Lojalność konsumenta. Jak budować trwałe relacje z klientem, Wyd. Helion, Warszawa 2012

Electronic publications:

Author: Joanna Kozłowska

Product Owner

Joanna has been involved in projects for years - she understands the specificity of B2B loyalty programs. She is particularly interested in optimization solutions and user value.

Editorial: Ewa Nowaczyk-Przybylak
Translation: Monika Witkowska
Want to contact us? Call us or send us a message.

Managing Director
+48 695 990 128

What will you gain by contacting us?
  • you will find solutions to your challenges;
  • you will learn the mechanisms to activate B2B partners and customers;
  • you will get a reliable valuation and implement the loyalty program concept.

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